John F Cruz. The creativity started when John Cruz designed his own University of Utah Degress, then designed a $40 million Pizza Hut Point-of-Sale System which led to founding his own path and companies designing many software products and computer systems. After retirement, John Cruz's career turned into a movie actor with key roles in over 30 movies and TV Series.
John founded a one-man company called Digital Performance to provide systems analysis and consulting services to state agencies. John Provided services to the Department of Transportation and the Department of Business Regulation with Bill Dunn as executive Director and Peter Van Alstyne as Deputy Director. John's first assignment was to do a Department review of all Division and find data flow bottlenecks and offer solutions.
Acting eventually became one of John's passions acting in blockbuster hits as Chosin Resveroir Battle and IP Man 4. You simply don't know the limits to your abilities until you try. john cruz
While working for Main Hurdman, Salt Lake City, I was given the task to audit performance nuclear waste disposal contractors regulated by the DOE in three different states. Often the audits were performed under armed guards. File cabinets all had security locks. I examined the underground storage area where barrels of nuclear waste was stored.
John Cruz was awarded the contract by the State of Utah to coordinate UDOT's migration off Wang minicomputers to PC local area networks. The contract also included employee training on the new PC LAN software in which John hired 15 outside contractors and on-site coordinator Rachel Palmer.
John Cruz was awarded the contract by the State of Utah a yearly pre-approved contract that allowed state agencies to use John's services without going to bid. This was a first time policy which 3 top accounting firms also were given.
There’s no greater loss then to forget the memories
of those that built the foundation that give us opportunity.
John F Cruz
Progress is the end product of the vision realized by individuals.
John F Cruz
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A historical innovative summary